Contact Erin

To schedule an appointment now


Are your digestive symptoms getting in the way of you living the life you want?  Those symptoms are not only painful and inconvenient, they’re a sign that you aren’t able to nourish your body.

Over the past 10 years I’ve helped more than 600 people transform their lives for the better and now offer this unique program tailor-made to fit your specific needs.

Eliminate your symptoms so you can feel good, look good, and return to your priorities in life.

Use the form below to let me know you’d like to schedule a FREE 15-minute call. I’ll let you know how I can help. Or call me at (720) 897-0237.


I love hearing from you!

Use the form below to:
  • Schedule an appointment
  • Book a speaking engagement
  • Ask a question
  • Share your thoughts
  • If you’re asking about a general health issue or nutrition topic, I recommend you use the comments section of a related blog post so everyone can benefit from the answer. I reply to all blog post comments within one week. If you want to guarantee an answer to a question or would like to inquire about a personal health issue, please request an appointment with me.
Thank you! I look forward to helping you with your digestive concerns.

Erin Livers

Food As Nourishment Holistic Health Counseling

4150 Darley Ave, Suite #6, Boulder, CO 80305Tel. (720) 897-0237

Newsletter Signups Form

“After recommendations are made, I expect my clients to try them on, have a experience and integrate these recommendations into their daily lives. The result is discovery and transformation.”

Erin Livers

Nutrition Therapist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Make An Appointment?

If you’d like to work with Erin, call the number above or use the contact form above to email her to request an appointment. All the necessary forms to fill out are found under the Work With Me menu on the Nutrition Counseling page of this website.

Where Do I Meet with Erin? (In-person, online, phone)

If you live in the Boulder/Denver area, you can meet with Erin personally in her office (address above). Otherwise, Erin works with clients via phone, Skype or Zoom.

How many Appointments Will I Need?

At your initial appointment, Erin will present you with a plan for how she will help you to reach your health goals. Everyone is an individual, so everyone’s plan will be different. After the initial appointment you’re welcome to choose a package of consults at a reduced price or Erin can design a 3-month program for you with weekly support.